Harsien Patrimonju Mosti


Following our successful joint activity with Din l-Art Helwa in June, another session was held in December 2024. In this instance, a total of 400kg of glass & other waste was collected by the combined group of volunteers. The initiative was further supported by the Xaghra Scout Group, with the latter's efforts focused in the Blue Lagoon Area.
Further joint activities with DLH and other groups are in the pipeline for 2025. 
Statute revisions are still underway along with plans for HPM to be devolved the guardianship of several important sites currently neglected in and around Mosta. 
This in hand with membership drives and new prospective committee members.

HPM's second joint clean-up with DLH in Comino 

JULY 2024

 Several objections were made with the planning authority over the past twelve months, mainly concerning projects which would be detrimental to Wied il-Ghasel. 
HPM has also resumed its annual clean-ups, with more planned for the future. 
The present committee is presently reviewing our statute and logo in order to expand the remit of HPM. 
A joint clean-up with Din L-Art Helwa was held at St. Marija Battery in Comino in June. 

Joint HPM & DLH clean-up in Comino - Our new logo deigned by Matthew Calleja

MARCH 2023

 The past 12 months have proven to be tough for HPM. The fall-out from Covid led to many elderly or vulnerable members remaining mostly inactive. Economic hardships and rising living costs combined with an ever more stressful work environment has also led to many members not renewing their membership. 
We appeal to all those who share our aim in safeguarding our local history, culture and natural environment to join our ranks. More details and form on our About Us Page

JUNE 2022

 Covid restrictions have finally been removed, allowing organisations such as HPM to reconvene and plan accordingly. This terrible respiratory virus led to major disruption across the globe and voluntary groups, especially due to the involvement of many elderly or vulnerable people within this sector. Keeping the situation in mind, HPM has resolved not to organise any events over the coming months, or until the virus has subsided further. 

The past 12 months have witnessed the inception of a terrible virus that has shaken the world, destabilising economies and societies across the globe. Covid-19 forced humanity to play to the tune of nature and demonstrated how even a microscopic element can have a drastic impact on our health and way of life. 

With lock-downs and shut-downs becoming a new norm, social distancing a must, and vulnerable people staying at home, the viability of many local voluntary organisations has been challenged like never before. 
Here at HPM we are still pushing forward despite the acute lack of hands on deck, but every cloud has a silver lining and mother nature remains at the centre of it all.

In our ongoing quest to preserve natural, rural and urban heritage, in line with our mission to promote sustainability, an extensive research programme was initiated a year ago concerning the use of organic compounds for the preservation of limestone walls and structures.
Before the age of chemical sealers, our ancestors used a special formula made with prickly pears. All existing buildings from farmhouses and domestic abodes to auberges and churches were originally treated with this organic compound.

Studies and experiments held in Italy and Mexico have recognised the need for compatible materials in the preservation of cultural heritage resulting in the revival of lime-based mortar technology and other applications using the said organic compound. HPM has carried out its own research based on the historical record and traditional methods employed locally for several centuries.

Trials were initiated twelve months ago leading to very positive results and a tangible end product in the form of Opuntia Ficus Indica Mucilage organic compound, using the same formula and methodology of our ancestors.
It is now being made available to the public and crafted to order. Further details may be found in the data sheet below. Inquiries may be made through our FB Page or by E-mail.  

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Type : pdf

A considerable effort is currently underway to refurbish and expand our website. We have added loads of new pages packed with well-researched and illustrated information. Several more are on the way.

Anybody wanting to contribute images, photos, postcards, books and pamphlets about Mosta and its surroundings is most welcome to do so. 
We are currently putting together an archive with the intention of documenting, studying and presenting an online detailed history and database of our town. 

This project is being carried out with one of our partner organisations, namely the Archaic Archives (Malta). 
This foundation is currently focused on building Malta's first virtual museum relating to Maltese history through the study and presentation of considerable amounts of material bought and acquired over more than 30 years. 
This foundation is also based in Mosta. 

A joint activity between HPM and the AAFM was held towards the end of April following-up a government initiative to clear a number of vehicle wrecks from Ghajn Rihana and the bottom end of Wied il-Ghasel. 
This initiative was restricted to a three-man team due to Covid restrictions and involved the complex salvage of a wartime Dodge Truck facade, front mudguards and a rear wheel. 

Joint HPM/AAFM salvage of wartime Ford Truck as part of Mosta Valley Clean-up

The wreck was dumped over a high ridge since at least the seventies and has deteriorated steadily after first noticed in the late eighties. The front panel nameplate has gone missing and rust has eaten through most of the metalwork. 
The wreck has been retained by the AAFM for restoration and preservation. 
Aside of the salvage, a considerable amount of broken glass and other trash was gathered and removed from the site, while a damaged rubble was was partially restored.  
HPM shall be revisiting the site and other areas along the valley in need of similar attention. 

Some of the broken glass removed from the Valley. Glass is not biodegradable, dangerous to humans and animals, damaging to flora and fauna, and constitutes an elevated risk of fire.

Another phased clean-up exercise has currently been underway since early June with the scope of improving accessibility to a number of historical sites in and around Mosta.
Apart from the restoration of pathways and damaged rubble walls, interventions are being made to curb invasive or damaging vegetation.
This includes the removal of accumulated dead vegetation and trash around sensitive areas due to the increasing risk of fire resulting from global warming, carelessness and outright vandalism.

Above: Restoration of pathway leading to a wartime military site and pruning of brambles to avoid further damage to the surrounding trees and vegetation.
Removal of dead vegetation and trash to reduce fire hazard. 

HPM plans to instill safeguards to ensure these sites are better preserved,  properly maintained and managed.

A rigorous monitoring exercise is currently underway with detailed reports being compiled on the state of each site. Once complete, HPM intends presenting this brief along with sustainable action plans to all the competent authorities. 

Neglected heritage in deplorable state: Relatively unknown partially flooded catacombs at tal-Qadi & Punic / Paleo-Christian Tomb at Wied il-Ghasel packed with sedimented mud, dirt and trash.


It remains our firm intention to keep the flag flying. 

The strain and cost of our Wied il-Ghasel campaign still bears consequences after all these years.
Time does not heal all wounds as the many scars of overdevelopment further infringe upon and prejudice further this precious valley. 

Nor does time heal debts, it actually pushes them higher!
Despite our subdued state we have still managed to keep our website online. 
Suffice to say that for the past 11 years, payment for this site has been a considerable sacrifice made from personal loan funds accounting for just under 50% of our debt. Our ledgers now reflect 3,000 euros in the red.

We literally fought to the last of all we had and never gave up! 
HPM's primary scope remains the propagation of knowledge and culture as to attain recognition and protection of all historical, natural or characteristic sites / features within our town and region.

We would like all those who have shown faith in us and those who committed to help in one way or another.
We also thank all those who have visited our site - we reached half a million page views in March 2017. 

Data has been unavailable since, after site-counter became corrupt. 

HPM is a voluntary organisation and our strength derives from numbers. Covid-19 has nearly dealt us a final blow, but we shall carry on as best we can. Keep safe!